Twice a week:
- We test the water to check and maintain your pools water balance. We want to keep your pH levels where they belong
- We test and maintain the free available chlorine level.
- We empty the skimmer basket and skim leaves, insects and other floating debris from the pool surface.
- We brush the walls and use a pool vacuum to clean the floors. For larger pools we consider the purchase of an automatic pool cleaner for the daily “hands-free” cleaning of your pool.
Once a week:
- We clean the tiles at water line with tile cleaner if it is needed.
- We shock the pool by adding the number of products needed. Additional shock may be needed after a rainstorm, heavy bather load, or exceptionally hot weather.
- We add a maintenance dose of an algae preventer to prevent algae growth. Clarifiers and metal control products should be used on a regular basis. The addition of these products will cause your pool to run more efficiently.
- We take water samples to do a professional Water Screening for a complete pool water analysis.
As Needed:
- Twice a year if not more, we clean your filter with a filter cleaner to remove any oils and grease that may have accumulated on your filter. The more use your pool gets the more often we clean the filters.
- After heavy amounts of rain, we always test your pool water.
Schedule your service.